Following government guidance all, in person, church based services and activities can resume. This is now subject to a Stay Safe practice. This means for Sunday worship ‘Face Coverings’ remain mandatory but social distancing is not. We are delighted with the response we have had to enable us to join together via technology. Online Sunday Services have been well watched and meetings are being conducted using Zoom have been well attended We are continually assessing the rationale and benefits for the different ways we are meeting. In the coming weeks other ministries, including young peoples work, will start to operate again.

We would encourage growthgroups to continue to be aware of the needs of other members of their groups and provide support where appropriate and possible. There will be many who, for many reasons, will find returning to in-person church difficult. We are called to serve one another and to do what we can to spur one another on. Lets with God’s help continue to grow in our Christian walk together.

Ongoing Pastoral Care: If you feel the need for some support or assistance at this transition time, please contact the church office either by emailing or by phoning the church office on 07928827898. The church office hours are Mon-Fri 9am-12pm, however voicemail is available out with these hours. In the case of a serious and urgent need, please phone Pete Southgate on 07746766029.

We will continue to keep the ongoing situation under review and endeavour to update you regularly. The deacons appreciate your continued prayerful support, please be assured of our prayers for you all at this time.